A good idea for remote control robot is a preview video. Raspberry Pi can connect to a dedicated high-quality camera.We need
- Raspberry Pi with ArchLinux
- Raspberry Pi Camera (operating in the visible light) or Raspberry Pi NOIR (operating in the infrared)
Raspberry Pi Camera, first (green shield) for the visible light, second (black) for the infrared.
Camera connection
Camera package includes ribbon cable. The free cable end should be connected to the Raspberry.The cable you need to insert the appropriate side, blue side is to be directed toward the ethernet port.
Position ribbon cable before installation.
Camera installed.
Standard RaPi Camera software
Run Raspberry and add two line to file /boot/config.txt:start_file=start_x.elf
restart Raspberry.
If you want turn off led dide on board camera add line to /boot/config.txt:
When you login, you can take a picture or record a video.
Take a picture:
# /opt/vc/bin/raspistill -o testimage.jpgRecord 10 seconds video:
# /opt/vc/bin/raspivid -t 10000 -fps 25 -o testvideo.h264
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